COVID-19 Large Bodies of Water Questions
COVID-19 Waterpark Questions
COVID-19 Home Pool Questions
COVID-19 Aquatic Construction Questions
COVID-19 Swimming Questions
COVID-19 Swimming Equipment Questions
Coronavirus / (COVID-19) Aquatic Construction Questions
Here are some key bits of information for help when building an aquatic structure and dealing with COVID-19. Whether it be for a public area, or a private residency. These tips will help protect yourself and those building your swimming pool from COVID-19.
- Make sure you are using a reputable construction company that is following all CDC guidelines such as reporting supervisors to if they have any symptoms.
- Make sure they are distancing themselves at least 6 feet apart when possible.
- Make sure they are wearing some sort of face mask while working. While uncomfortable it is completely reasonable to wear protection face coverings while working.
- Make sure all constantly touched areas are constantly cleaned. Such as toilets, tools, and other equipment / items.
- Make sure proper hand hygiene is being used constantly. All hands are washed before and after work shifts and breaks. If they do any activities such as touching food, sneezing, using a restroom, and other high COVID-19 spreading activities, ensure they wash their hands and/or use sanitizer.
Sources – CDC Website